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* Did you know that pretty much EVERY Training Plan that you get off the internet is designed for Men? * Did you know that a 4 week periodisation plan does NOT work for women? * Do you know that most coaches don't ask anything about a females period or menstrual cycle? * Do you know that there are crucial times within your cycle where you should be hitting your training HARD because the balance of hormones means that you can adapt better, recover better, hit higher intensities and use carbs more effectively? * Did you know that there are times in your cycle when your body needs to RECOVER - the balance of your hormones means that you won't recover as well, you can't use carbs as effectively, you need to fuel differently, you can't hit such high intensities and you don't adapt to training as well? * Do you know that if you push your body hard at the wrong time of the month, that you'll be depleting your system and won't be able to get as much from your training at the time when you are so much more capable of hitting PBs and top end stuff?! Females bodies are a little complicated; however, if women can understand their cycle and know how to use it to their advantage, it's like taking an ergogenic aid - it's POWERFUL STUFF!!!!! If you want to know more, PLEASE come and join me for 5x 20 minute sessions - LIVE or RECORDED where I go into more detail about how to start using your period to your advantage!!!! THE EXTRA EDGE – MAXIMISING FEMALE PERFORMANCE BY UNDERSTANDING HOW TO TRAIN WITH YOUR MENSTURAL CYCLE! Course Date: Monday 4th Oct – Friday 8th Oct 2021 Times: 12-12.20pm (20 minute sessions) Cost: £25 Delivery: I will deliver the sessions live using zoom and I will also provide the recording of the session for those who cannot make it live. Who is this for: Any female athlete who has a regular period and wants to understand how to get more from her performance by training WITH her monthly cycle? Who is this not for: Those women on a contraceptive pill or women who are experiencing changes in their period and are more likely to be in peri-menopause? Course content: DAY 1 - Understanding your cycle. What are the key phases and hormones involved? What is a ‘normal’ length cycle? Why does training to a 4 week periodisation program NOT work for women? DAY 2 – How to maximise your performance by training WITH your cycle? Day 3 – How to mitigate PMS and which supplements to use? Day 4 – How to adapt your nutrition depending on the phase of your cycle? Day 5 – Putting it all together! #femaleathletes #femalerunners #trainingtoyourcycle #trainingtoyourperiod #premenopause #usingthepowerofyourcycle

  • Date:04/10/2021 12:00 PM - 08/10/2021 12:00 PM
  • Location Online Event