Run Technique Coaching


About imageAbout image
The aim of the Running Hub is to help you run FASTER, FURTHER with LESS INJURIES!

I specialise in Run Technique, speed, strength, mobility and movement.

My goal is to help you run more efficiently, improve your performance and speed, reduce injuries and speed up recovery.

Services I offer:



What people are saying about the Running Hub!

 After reading 'Who taught you how to run' I contacted Rachael at the Running and Movement Hub in April 2022 and arranged a biomechanical run analysis. This was a real eye opener and the run technique course that followed and Rachael's encouragement to include strength training, mobility DMS and Yoga has really transformed my running. Rachael now writes my training plans and I have discovered there is so much more to training with Rachael than just running. Her knowledge of what it happening to your body and how to work with it to get the best out of it regardless of age has been transformative as a post menopausal woman and has enabled me to be a more rounded and knowledgeable athlete. During the first 3 months of training with Rachael, I achieved a half marathon PB. Rachael is not only very professional but has a unique enthusiasm to teach and share her knowledge. Contacting Rachael and going to the running and movement hub is without doubt my best decision of 2022. 

Liz Beardsley

 Rachael from the Running and Movement Hub has been coaching my running and writing my training plans for almost two years now. I met her initially after an ankle fracture to help me regain running confidence and establish good running technique – and since we've been building up gradually and steadily. Meeting Rachael, and training with her, has been an eye opener for me and an absolute game changer for my training. The quality of my workouts, my health, and my performance levels have gone through the roof since I'm working with Rachael. And it's been a very steep learning curve for me – lifting heavy weights is a thing for runners? women can use their monthly cycle to their advantage? sometimes you want to be a wet noodle? We don't have to run 400 miles a week to be strong ultra-runners? I love training with Rachael because she is such a professional, super smart, and highly experienced running coach, who stays on top of running and movement science and indeed applies scientific findings to her coaching! Her training plans are meticulous and to the point, and I feel she truly writes them with me as an individual in mind, genuinely wanting to help me to progress and get the best out of every move I make so that I can reach my goals in a strong and healthy fashion. I should also not forget to mention that her strength, mobility, and yoga sessions are class!! Rachael really provides the full package and makes training so easy for that matter. And she is the best running coach because she, too, is passionate about running and practises what she preaches in her training plans – such an inspiration and role model on top of everything. 

Anna Grubert

 I came to Rachael seeking guidance to train and complete a challenge I set myself - to run 12 marathons in one year. After a number of months of preparation, I entered the year feeling strong and ready - both mentally and physically - and I completed the year with a new road PB and many hilly trail marathons under my belt with some unexpectedly good placings. Rach's support was unending and her messages before and after each one drove me forwards when I realised I still had x more marathons after this one... Life tried to get in the way, but Rach worked with me to ensure I could still complete my challenge. She made me believe I could do it - and I did! In short, I had 12 fantastic running experiences, all of which I finished super strong and uninjured. Now we're working together to find me a new marathon PB and I'm feeling great. I will definitely be calling on Rachael for future challenges! 

Ros Ridout
Vegan Runners

 RACHAEL'S KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF HOW THE BODY EFFECTS YOUR TECHNIQUE AND PERFORMANCE IS SECOND TO NONE. Following injury in July 2018, I joined The Running Hub for a run analysis and a helping hand in recovery and a return to running. It took time and patience and Rachael from The Running Hub was there every step of the way. Her sessions, exercises, strength classes and training plan have been invaluable. Her knowledge and understanding of how the body effects your technique and performance is second to none. I can now confidently say I’m a strong runner who will never be without a running coach again. I have since got PB's in all my events - 10km - 3 minutes 15 seconds, 10 miles - 8 minutes 42 seconds, HM - 15 minutes 39 seconds! 

Sarah Wilby
Pocklington Runners

 After a course of 6 Run Technique Coaching Sessions, Mark has reduced his 5km and 10km time from - 5k (20:58) to (20:17) a 40 sec gain / 10k (44:06) to (42:56) a 1 min 10 sec gain. 'As we all age; all that we can hope for as runners is to maintain some similar level of fitness and less injury periods. Rachael was recommended to me through a good friend and I wasn't disappointed; in the end results. This was because Rachael really knows her profession and exudes knowledge, commitment and a thorough understanding of the individuals requirements and builds a program too match. I can honestly say that my running style has improved (through the above); I feel a much more capable and confident runner. Thank you Rachael.' 

Mark Harney
GBR Duathlete

 After a fracture and some time out of the sport I was very much in my head about my running. I felt out of touch with my body and insecure about my running form. I signed up for a Full Day Immersive Coaching session at the Running and Movement Hub – the best decision ever, because Rachael sure knows how to teach you how to run! Rachael is super professional and knows her programme to the core. Plus, she is just such a fun and motivating person to be around. I loved every minute of it. After a day of detailed mobility and run analysis, focused coaching, and tons of invaluable tips and hints, I walked (ran) away with a clear understanding of what needs fixing and how, a comprehensive training programme, but equally importantly, feeling so much stronger and more confident about my running. On the track, two days after the session with Rachael, I ran some intervals at 3:23 (min/km) – 40 seconds faster than ever before. Time to hit the trails again and enjoy the journey ahead. Thank you so much, Rachael – you've changed my game! 

Anna Grubert

 BEFORE I STARTED MY SESSIONS AT THE RUNNING HUB, I WAS RUNNING WITH QUITE A DEGREE OF PAIN.... after a few miles and was really struggling and was going to quit running altogether but Rachael analysed my run technique and adapted how I ran together with strength work for my weaknesses and gave me new belief and confidence and since then I have improved my time for the Ferriby 10 mile race by over 7 minutes. 

Craig Waites
Hornsea Harriers

 THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN FANTASTIC! I went to see Rachael to work on my run technique after having an initial running analysis done by her. The results have been fantastic! I get much less discomfort in my knees now and I recently smashed 2 whole minutes off my 5k PB. Rachael is great to work with. She is encouraging, enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable about all things running. She literally lives and breathes it!" 

David Pickering
Jolly Triathlon Club, Osteopath

 RACHAEL WAS POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH. I went to see Rachael at the Running Hub for some Run Technique Coaching. Even though the sessions were tough, Rachael was positive and encouraging the whole way through. Following those sessions, not only did I have a number of comments on how much my running technique had improved, but I also managed to cut a minute off my 5k PB! 

Lindsey Taylor

 RACHAEL IS THAT COACH WHO SPARKS THE PASSION FOR A LOVE OF RUNNING! SINCE WORKING WITH HER, I HAVE PB'D IN ALL DISTANCES. I’ve worked with Rachael now for 5 years. Initially, I found her advertised on Facebook and needed her to get me through the last few weeks of my first marathon training after having my little boy 7 months earlier (don’t ask) but I can honestly say since then I have never looked back! The thing about Rachael is you get everything you need in terms of a coach and personalised programmes .... but in addition to that you also get so much more! You get that person who will listen when you are having ‘meltdowns’ and feel stuck in a rut ... you get that nagging conscience in the back of your head that tells you to back off before you get injured or to buck up and get out there when’s it wet and dark. She is the only person I know who can shout at you without actually shouting at you! How she does that I’ll never know! When coaching you she doesn’t just make you a better runner, she makes you a more rounded athlete and instils an importance of strength work and mobility. She supports you all the way and if you do happen to pick up an injury she motivates you to get back on it safely and gives you alternatives so you don’t loose any fitness. She is that coach who sparks that passion for a love of running, teaches you that running is a way of life and always tells you whatever you are training for you've got this! It doesn’t matter what age you are, how long you've been running or if you are a beginner, she is amazing and the progress you can see once you start working with her is undeniable! Since working with her I have PB’d in all distances. I’ve gone from 58 minutes in a 10k to 46:13 this year. I’ve gone from 1:59 in the half to 1:46 last year and have got my 5k to 22 minutes. I’m 2 minutes off sub 4 in the marathon. I’m determined to get that! Rachel is alway the coach I want by my side! Ill never change! Thank you Rachael for always going above and beyond for us x 

Joanne Unsworth

 I HAVE BENEFITED MASSIVELY FROM THE COMBINATION OF RUN TECHNIQUE ANALYSIS & COACHING AND STRENGTH SESSIONS! I’ve worked with Rachael on and off for a couple of years and I feel I have benefited massively from the combination of run technique analysis and coaching and strength sessions, and more recently also from stretch and mobility classes, DMS sessions and online coaching. I am so much more aware now of how I run, and of how my body moves, and the best exercises I can do to target weaknesses or imbalances and tight muscles, and I feel as though I am a much stronger runner as a result. I’ve been taking part in a virtual race series recently, and as well as my times for the four virtual 10k events I have done all under 43 minutes (which is more occasions than I’ve run that sort of time in actual races), in the last event I ran 42:19 to knock almost 10 seconds off my 18-month old 10k PB! To do this when ‘racing’ alone is (I think!) a great testament to the huge benefits I’ve received in the last few months from DMS and strength and mobility work, as well as my previous technique coaching, and of course I have to mention Rachael’s incredibly knowledgeable and really friendly coaching technique! I would definitely recommend Rachael as a coach! 

Emma Simmons
Pocklington Runners

 I'VE GAINED SO MUCH FROM ATTENDING SESSIONS WITH THE RUNNING HUB. RACHAEL HAS SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE TO GIVE. After my initial analysis, I learnt about the leg cycle which made me feel stronger and more confident in my running. One change that particularly stood out was when Rachael taught me to stand tall running up hills, not to lean into them. The first time I tried this it felt amazing. I felt so much stronger and felt like I wanted to run the hill again! With the DMS sessions, I can feel the difference it makes to my legs, they feel lighter and stronger instead of the normal 2 - 3 miles they take to warm up! The Strength classes have given me overall body support for running. I've especially felt the difference when running off road, again I feel so much stronger. Whether the strength class is face to face, in the village hall or online because of lockdown the social aspect is brilliant, you always come away with that 'Feel Good Factor 🙂 I've loved the coffee morning chats which Rachael started during lock down they gave me something to focus on. Giving me my motivation back for running which I'd lost because of lockdown. The benefits of working with my Heart Rate for endurance runs and hill running has been brilliant. I went out on one run watching my heart, picked off 5 hills, running 13 miles and still felt good, a fantastic feeling. Thanks Rach 🙂x 

Stephanie Marshall
Pocklington Runners

 BEING COACHED BY RACHAEL HAS REALLY BOOSTED MY CONFIDENCE AND BELIEF IN MYSELF AS A RUNNER. I have been working with Rachael for about 18 months, I started seeing her for help with my run technique when training for my first marathon. I love Rachael’s sessions her patience is endless and her coaching doesn’t stop when the hour is up. I also attend Rachael’s strength classes which she has adapted to do virtually along with Stretch, DMS and a support group to help people through the current pandemic. These are a lifeline during these stressful and daunting weeks. I have more recently started being coached by Rachael which has really boosted my confidence and belief in myself as a runner and given me a real focus when having to run solo, great Coach and friend. xx 

Clare Chappell
Pocklington Runners

 THE 15 MINUTE DMS SESSIONS ARE SO USEFUL. My balance and core strength has definately improved and my glutes have never worked so hard. Even over 8 weeks I’ve noticed an improvement A bonus is they’re great fun too. 

Amanda Selvaratnam
Sweat Equity

 RACHAEL'S EXCEPTIONAL BREADTH OF KNOWLEDGE, COMBINED WITH HER RELAXED, FRIENDLY MANNER MAKE HER THE PERFECT COACH! Rachael’s exceptional breadth of running knowledge, combined with her relaxed, friendly manner, make her the perfect coach for anyone looking to improve any aspect of their running. 

Leanne Maycock
Pocklington Runners

 I HAVE RECOMMENDED RACH TO MANY RUNNERS - SHE IS EXCEPTIONAL! I have been working with Rach both with online training and face to face coaching. She is always keeping up to date with the latest evidence and brings enthusiasm and passion to motivate me. She coached me to run a 100 mile race and my recovery afterwards was incredible As a physio I know that Rach has a fantastic knowledge of body and mind and that's what you need as a runner. I have recommended Rach to many runners - she is exceptional! 

Julianne Jameson
Almost Athletes & Vegan Runners, Physiotherapist

 I FINALLY GOT MY SUB-30 MINUTE 5KM. THIS SEEMED SO FAR OFF AS I WAS RUNNING A 33 MINUTE 5KM! Thank you for the strength training sessions, I just smashed my 5k PB (28:36) by almost 2 minutes since my last PB in March! And finally got a sub-30 minute 5kM! I kept thinking of your run technique training throughout, focusing on my form with no music or podcasts to distract me. This was my goal when I saw you a year ago but at that point it seemed so far off as I was doing 33 minute 5km then. Although I've tried to do some strength work in the last year by myself, I'm definitely working harder in your 2 online sessions a week, and having aching muscles! 

Laura Castley

 I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE RUNNING HUB. AFTER SEEING RACHAEL, I KNOCKED 12 MINUTES OFF MY HALF MARATHON TIME! Both myself and my 11yr old son have been to the Running hub. For me I had an in depth running analysis, followed by structured sessions to work the identified areas of weakness and to improve my running form. My son has dyspraxia so it was to work on his co-ordination and movement. All our sessions were excellent and very informative. Rachel has a lovely, friendly manner and was very knowledgeable. I highly recommend The Running hub and after seeing Rache,l I knocked 12mins off my half marathon time! 

Pam Johnson

 I'M ENJOYING MY TRAINING SO MUCH MORE, THANKS TO RACHAEL'S KNOWLEDGE, DIRECTION, ENTHUSIASM AND MOTIVATION. I highly recommend Rachael at the Running Hub. I started in the Hub with a run technique analysis in August 2019 following a raft of niggles and injuries, and swiftly signed up to my first course of run technique coaching sessions as I wanted to learn how to fix my weaknesses and become a better, stronger and injury free runner. One course was not enough to satisfy my curiosity and desire to become a better, stronger runner so I signed up for more! Since lockdown I have regularly taken part in the DMS sessions, strength classes & mobility classes, and signed up to an initial 12 week online coaching programme. Nearly a year on from meeting Rachael for the first time in the hub, I have a continually growing toolbox of activities to help me run much stronger, more consistently, more focused and more correct. Not forgetting I'm enjoying it all so much more, thanks to Rachael's extensive knowledge, direction, enthusiasm and motivation." 

Rachel Reed
Pocklington Runners

 I HAVE DEFINITELY HAD LESS INJURIES SINCE DOING THE RUN TECHNIQUE SESSIONS! I’ve been lucky enough to have had running technique coaching from Rachael. She’s super friendly, professional and knowledgeable. The sessions really made me think about how I ran. It’s hard work and there’s homework to do. But Rachel gives you all the support and help you need. I definitely have had less injuries since doing the sessions. I also attend Rachael’s strength classes and stretch and mobility sessions. These are great fun and work you hard. These sessions have most definitely helped my running. I feel stronger, more flexible and more confident. Thanks Rachael for all your hard work, encouragement and support. 

Ellie Eastwood
Sports Massage Therapist, Pocklington Runners

 I CAN RUN LONGER DISTANCES MORE EASILY AND SHORTER DISTANCES MORE QUICKLY. I went to the Running Hub as I needed my running technique evaluated prior to commencing training for my one and only marathon in 2019. Rachael Hunt (no relation) was professional, patient, thorough and sorted out my running imperfections (which were many) such that I found I could then run longer distances more easily and shorter distances more quickly. Marathon completed and in a none-too-shabby time! 

Rob Hunt
Pocklington Runners, York Park Run Director

 I HAVE BENEFITED SO MUCH FROM THE 6 WEEKS OF RUN TECHNIQUE COACHING. I would wholeheartedly recommend The Running Hub. I have benefited so much from the six weeks of run analysis I did last year, the regular strength classes and the run coaching programme I am currently on. They have all hugely improved my running and importantly, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Rachael is a brilliant coach, she is really supportive and seriously knows her stuff! 

Lucy Ward
Pocklington Runners

 I ONLY WISH I'D KNOWN ABOUT IT SOONER! I love my speed and movement sessions with the running hub. Rachael is very knowledgeable and has tailored an excellent programme to support and improve my squash game which is my primary sport. After only a few weeks of DMS I am so much faster and improving every week. I only wish I’d known about it sooner! 

Susie Lee
Dunnington 1st ladies (1st div york and district)

 THE INITIAL ANALYSIS WAS FASCINATING AND INSIGHTFUL! Having started running in 2017 I hadn't really considered my technique. I had decided to run my first marathon and the Running Hub was recommended to me by a number of friends. The initial analysis was fascinating and insightful. The explanation of how seemingly small, subconscious movements impact on my technique gave me plenty to think about. In the following sessions we continued to work on various aspects of my running technique and on exercises that support it. Having completed the sessions I feel a much stronger runner and take away lots of learning points and exercises that should help me to continue to develop my running and achieve my goals. I would thoroughly recommend Rachel to anyone. 

Matthew Wilcock
Pocklington Runners

 GETTING A BIOMECHANICAL RUN ANALYSIS WAS THE BEST THING I COULD HAVE DONE FOR MY RUNNING! Much better money spent than on a new pair of fancy shoes or a shiny watch! I’m fairly new to running, and it’s taught me so much, hopefully it will help me stay injury free, and it will definitely allow me to run faster and further! There were so many things I was doing wrong that I would have had no idea unless I was filmed on a treadmill like that. Cannot recommend The Running Hub enough 10/10! 

Charles Hey
Vegan Runners

 RACHAEL IS REALLY WELCOMING AND KNOWLEDGEABLE AND SHE MAKES ALL THE CLASSES GREAT FUN! I recently started with the Running Hub & did a running analysis after a couple of running friends passed on glowing reports about it. I love that it is aimed at what you can do to support your running technique and ability, compared to general cross training classes. Rachael is really welcoming and knowledgeable, and she makes all classes great fun and the chat sessions really informative. Rachel has helped me to focus on what will help me personally and I will definitely be continuing to work with her when these lockdown days have passed. 

Sally Wade
Sweat Equity

 HER SPEED HAS HUGELY INCREASED! Wow, my little girl is a runner. Thank you so much, you have completely transformed her and given her an amazing love of running. In only a few weeks you have completely changed her running, she no longer runs with dinosaurs hands 😂 & her speed has hugely increased. You are absolutely fantastic, Ella has taken on everything you have taught her and enjoys going out and practising. Can’t wait to see how her race season continues xx 

Clare Adrian


Online Training Plans

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Rachael Hunt




Biomechanical Run Analysis - Adults & Juniors

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Run Technique Coaching is offered in blocks of 6, 10 or 15 sessions. There is also an option of a 2 hour session, Half day or a Full day of coaching

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Biomechanical Run Analysis - for those who can't get to the Hub in person

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Speed & Performance Coaching

This is a 12 session program for any individual involved in multi-directional sports such as football or rugby. This program is designed to improve speed, agility, turning, acceleration and deceleration.

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This is for Adults and Juniors who are looking to get stronger, faster and run/play injury free. Strength should be a non-negotiable part of every athletes Training Plan. Strength training is also especially important for women during perimenopause and post menopause. As hormones change we want to avoid a decline in strength and power.

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Strength sessions will improve your performance across all distances and disciplines by making you faster, decreasing recovery time, reducing fatigue, preventing injuries and promoting the preservation of lean muscle tissue.

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EVERY week, I see runners struggling with mobility – either because they sit at a desk a lot or they run and don’t mobilise or they have a history of injuries that have caused restriction in the movement of certain joints and imbalances in muscles. Remember that once a joint loses it’s full range of movement it changes the function at other joints as they start to pick up the slack. If we want to make progress, we HAVE to aim to restore function at ALL our joints and restore activation in the major muscle groups.

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DMS®, it is a movement methodology for children & adults that helps improve gross motor skills, coordination, agility & speed. DMS also helps with mobility, glute activation and the improvement of movement patterns, skills that are often poor in runners.

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Movement Coaching

This is great for children with dyspraxia, autism or for any child struggling with their movement or struggling with sports.

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This programme has been developed specifically for older adults to help maintain and develop overall fitness, strength and functional movement. It also helps to improve walking technique and ability.

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  • £49
  •  15/05/2023 12:00 PM - 14/07/2023 12:00 PM
  • Online Event

For those of you who know, I’m currently taking part in a 12 month Mobility Program and every time I participate in a session, I think ‘I must share this with my runners, sports men, women and juniors’! EVERY week, I see runners struggling with mobility and activation – either because they sit at a desk a lot or they run and don’t mobilise or they have a history of injuries that have caused restriction in the movement of certain joints and imbalances in muscles. Remember that once a joint loses it’s full range of movement it changes the function at other joints as they start to pick up the slack. If we want to make progress, we HAVE to aim to restore function at ALL our joints and restore activation in the major muscle groups. I simply don’t have the time in a coaching session to teach all that is necessary to improve mobility and activation which is why I want to run this 3 month course. In my opinion, EVERYONE needs to do this – whether you’re a runner, sports person, active or not active. The quality of life is extremely connected to how we move and if your movement is either restricted, imbalanced, painful, you have poor posture, you’re injured or have been injured – you will take these movement patterns into EVERYTHING you do! I constantly think about longevity and I want to enjoy my sports, my life and every day movement for as long as I can and this is where mobility and activation is KEY! I also want to be quick, strong, powerful and efficient NOW – this is where you’ve got to look at mobility and alignment! So, I’m going to put together a 3 month program where I will give you ONE 20 minute session per week (this will be posted into a Vimeo Group where all the recordings will be stored) and you repeat that session every day that week. The following week, we will work on new exercises designed to help muscles strengthen, relax and balance. At the end of this 3 month period, you have the option of continuing with me for another 3 months (there’s no commitment) – I intend to make this a full 12 month course so you can get MAXIUM results. Course Cost - £49 Course Start Date – Monday 15th May (3 months) Commitment – 20 minutes per day If you would like to join me, drop me an email at I really hope you can join me as I feel this such a HUGE gap in most people’s training plan and most people don’t give this anywhere near the attention required to make long lasting change. Best Wishes Rachael xx

  •  06/02/2023 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

I was invited to be a guest speaker at this event. You can sign up to the event for FREE using the link below. (The link can also be found on my Facebook page). What is the Running Strong into Menopause Summit? There's no getting away from it - if you're female heading into peri or post menopause, things are going to change. Your body, your mind, your life and your running! BUT despite what popular culture would have you believe, it's not all bad news. This 5 day summit is for any woman who loves running and wants to not just continue running into this next phase of life but get better AND stay injury free.

  •  04/10/2021 12:00 PM - 08/10/2021 12:00 PM
  • Online Event

* Did you know that pretty much EVERY Training Plan that you get off the internet is designed for Men? * Did you know that a 4 week periodisation plan does NOT work for women? * Do you know that most coaches don't ask anything about a females period or menstrual cycle? * Do you know that there are crucial times within your cycle where you should be hitting your training HARD because the balance of hormones means that you can adapt better, recover better, hit higher intensities and use carbs more effectively? * Did you know that there are times in your cycle when your body needs to RECOVER - the balance of your hormones means that you won't recover as well, you can't use carbs as effectively, you need to fuel differently, you can't hit such high intensities and you don't adapt to training as well? * Do you know that if you push your body hard at the wrong time of the month, that you'll be depleting your system and won't be able to get as much from your training at the time when you are so much more capable of hitting PBs and top end stuff?! Females bodies are a little complicated; however, if women can understand their cycle and know how to use it to their advantage, it's like taking an ergogenic aid - it's POWERFUL STUFF!!!!! If you want to know more, PLEASE come and join me for 5x 20 minute sessions - LIVE or RECORDED where I go into more detail about how to start using your period to your advantage!!!! THE EXTRA EDGE – MAXIMISING FEMALE PERFORMANCE BY UNDERSTANDING HOW TO TRAIN WITH YOUR MENSTURAL CYCLE! Course Date: Monday 4th Oct – Friday 8th Oct 2021 Times: 12-12.20pm (20 minute sessions) Cost: £25 Delivery: I will deliver the sessions live using zoom and I will also provide the recording of the session for those who cannot make it live. Who is this for: Any female athlete who has a regular period and wants to understand how to get more from her performance by training WITH her monthly cycle? Who is this not for: Those women on a contraceptive pill or women who are experiencing changes in their period and are more likely to be in peri-menopause? Course content: DAY 1 - Understanding your cycle. What are the key phases and hormones involved? What is a ‘normal’ length cycle? Why does training to a 4 week periodisation program NOT work for women? DAY 2 – How to maximise your performance by training WITH your cycle? Day 3 – How to mitigate PMS and which supplements to use? Day 4 – How to adapt your nutrition depending on the phase of your cycle? Day 5 – Putting it all together! #femaleathletes #femalerunners #trainingtoyourcycle #trainingtoyourperiod #premenopause #usingthepowerofyourcycle

  •  11/12/2020 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

This Friday at 7pm, we're EXTREMELY lucky to have Mike Antoniades (founder and director of the Running and Movement School) live on zoom! Mike will be answering any questions you may have on run technique, running in general, injuries, rehab and anything else you may want to ask him! He is also going to do a live Run Analysis on Susannah Gill who we had as a guest speaker earlier this year (world marathon record holder). Let me know if you're going to join us - the link for the event is below (it's free to join). This is a RARE opportunity to see Mike talk, don't miss it 🙂 Use this link to attend the event: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 3368 2901 Passcode: 090939

  •  29/08/2020 09:30 AM - 30/08/2020 03:30 PM
  •   Millington, York YO42 1TZ, UK

The weekend takes place on the Wolds Way, Yorkshire. The course is hilly and off road. The weekend will be approximately 9.30am - 3.30pm on both days. It will include a mix of the following: * Trail Running Technique * Mindful Running Techniques * Approx 13-15 miles each day (broken up over the day) - if you're a faster runner, you may cover more miles * Warm up exercises and drills * Hill work * Mobility exercises after lunch to awaken the body for the afternoon run * Stretch Session at the end of each day The group will be a MAXIMUM of 6 people at the moment due to Covid restrictions. All runners are welcome and the groups may be split depending on who attends but you will never be running alone. Cost: * Full Weekend - £99 * One day - £49 Please email for further information

  •  15/08/2020 10:00 AM - 16/08/2020 04:00 PM
  •   Wolds Way, Pocklington, York, UK

The weekend takes place on the Wolds Way, Yorkshire. The course is hilly and off road. The weekend will be approximately 10am-4pm on both days. It will include a mix of the following: * Trail Running Technique * Mindful Running Techniques * Approx 13 miles each day (broken up over the day) - if you're a faster runner, you may cover more miles * Warm up exercises and drills * Hill work * Natural Movement Exercises to energise the body * Stretch & Mobility Session via zoom on Saturday evening to prepare the body for Day Two. The group will be a MAXIMUM of 5 people at the moment due to Covid restrictions but if these restrictions are eased a little, I MAY increase the numbers to 10 MAX (this is at my discretion). All runners are welcome and the groups may be split depending on who attends but you will never be running alone. Cost: Full Weekend - £99 One day - £49 Please email for further information

  •  24/07/2020 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

As runners, we're often pushing ourselves close to burnout and over training. There is a fine line between training hard and 'too hard'. With increasing pressures for many people during lockdown and many people feeling more stressed - what impact is this having on our training and our physical health? And most importantly, how can we use nutrition to prevent burnout? We're going to be joined by Naturopathic Nutritionist, Suzy from 'Look after you' who will be delivering a short presentation followed by your questions. *This will be aimed at all dietary choices. You can find out more about Suzy here: This event is FREE and open to anyone who wants to listen!

  •  18/07/2020 09:30 AM - 19/07/2020 04:30 PM
  •   Wolds Way, Pocklington, York, UK

Mindful Running Weekend on the Wolds Way, Yorkshire.

  •  01/07/2020 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

Live Question & Answer Session with Fiona Oakes, British distance runner who holds four world records for marathon running. Join us LIVE on zoom this Wednesday at 7pm - use this link to join the event:

  •  05/06/2020 05:30 PM
  • Online Event

Enjoy this recording of a Live Question & Answer session with World Record holder and author of ''Running around the World' Susannah Gill.

  •  29/02/2020 10:00 AM
  •   Yapham Village Hall

Run Technique Course to teach runners how to run FASTER and FURTHER with LESS INJURIES!

  • Pocklington, England, United Kingdom

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